
Wiggling Readers

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Is your child is a fiddler? Sorry. I don’t mean, “Is your child one who plays a fiddle?” I mean, “Is your child one who, when trying to read a book, plays with a shoelace (or, God forbid, Velcro!) or incessantly flips the corner of the page or taps a toe against the chair leg […]


Readers Read and Writers Write

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Are you ready for a fun and productive summer with your kids? I’ll be posting fun-focused activities, that both you AND your kids will enjoy! To get the summer started right, simply gather some tools and set a schedule for reading and writing. DO NOT read or write today! Put it off. Plan it for […]


It’s More Than Just A-B-C’s

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When thinking about teaching kids to read, what comes to mind? Chances are, you think about the alphabet. We teach kids that catchy tune, slap some letter magnets on the fridge, and drag out the alphabet puzzles. That’s a great start! But what kids really enjoy is getting your feedback about how they’re doing with […]


Are You Speaking Your Child’s Love Language?

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Are You Speaking Your Child’s Love Language? Dr. Gary Chapman says that each of us has a preferred love language- a way in which we best receive the love of those around us- a way that best speaks to our hearts. Some of us feel loved when someone shares quality time with us. Others feel […]



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Comprehension is understanding.  If the boy in the picture above reads the word, making each sound, but has no idea that the sounds /s/, /a/, /p/, together, make the word sap and that sap is the often sticky liquid that is in trees and other plants, he’s not comprehending. However, if he doesn’t know the […]


Becoming A Reader, A Cautionary Tale

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When I was six years old, I was going through a \”rough patch.\” I hated my first-grade life. My single mom had moved into an apartment building, and my bike was stolen during the first week we were there. I had a mean teacher who swatted me on the legs when I did something wrong, […]


11 Characteristics of Parents of High Achieving Readers

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Which ONE characteristic separates high achieving readers (By far!) from other readers? Parents of good readers tend to do all of the following, however, parents of the highest scoring readers tend to do this one thing far more often than parents of average and struggling readers. Which do YOU think it is?   Parents of […]


Alphabet Letters Meet Home Decor

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I admit it. I am a bit picky about things in my house as far as the décor goes. You may be, too. If that’s the case, you (like me) may have an aversion to primary colored letters hanging around. I solved that problem by visiting my local hardware store. I bought some spray plastic […]