
Newsletter – Linger – January 14, 2022

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Hello Book Bums families! We hope you and your families are well and adjusting to being back in school after winter break.  In the newsletter today we offer some ideas for handling standardized testing and improving kids’ handwriting. And, as always, we include some fun with books and language.  Enjoy! “Books are the plane, and […]


Newsletter – Benefits of Reading – January 7, 2022

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Hello Book Bums families! Hello Book Bums families! Remember, as you’re thinking about fitness and health for the new year that relaxing with a good book is beneficial, too! Benefits of Reading: • Strengthens brain with mental stimulation • Increases empathy and expands worldview • Boosts communication skills • Improves vocabulary • Improves memory • […]


Newsletter – Eloquent – December 31, 2021

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Hello Book Bums families! The new year is often a time for resolutions and new beginnings. If your plans for 2022 include books and reading we are here to accompany you with book recommendations and great ideas for you and the young readers in your life. is an Amazon Associate; We earn from qualifying […]


Newsletter – Thrifty – December 3, 2021

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Hello Book Bums families! For many families December means holiday activities and preparations. We hope the practical ideas and suggestions in this week’s newsletter are helpful to you as you send cards, shop, and spend time together! We’ve included lots of gift-giving ideas for the kids and teachers on your list. is an Amazon […]


Reading to Your Kids

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Reading to your kids is so very important. Even with high stakes tests hanging over my shoulders, as a classroom teacher I invest the time to read aloud to my students every single day because I believe that it is the best way to promote a love for books*. But reading aloud offers so much […]


Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

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If you’re listening to your young reader read aloud—which you absolutely should be doing, nearly every day— and s/he stops to look up toward the ceiling, you might have a problem to address. Here it is: Readers who are looking up are either 1) trying to remember the word or 2) they are praying that […]