
Newsletter – Onomatopoeia – April 8, 2022

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Hello Book Bums families! There are all kinds of books in libraries and bookstores.  While it’s great to know what you like to read, challenge yourself to explore a new section or author.  This week in the newsletter we are thinking about fiction and non-fiction, poetry, and enjoying being readers and writers. is an […]


Newsletter – Patriotism – April 1, 2022

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Hello Book Bums families! Happy April!  No fooling, our newsletter this week is full of poetry, patriotism, and song. Everything is connected as we think about how we understand the words we read and what they mean as well as where our national anthem comes from and what it means.  Keep reading for some inspiration […]


Newsletter – Anachronism – March 25, 2022

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Hello Book Bums families! We are all about words this week – choosing them wisely, learning new ones, knowing how to spell the words we know, and recognizing words in other languages. We hope the words in our newsletter add some fun and enrichment to your day. “Words are, in my not so humble opinion, […]


Newsletter – Alliteration – March 11, 2022

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Hello Book Bums families! This week we are thinking about writing as well as reading, and we’re sharing activities to get you and your children putting pencil to paper. Kids who read and talk about books may naturally want to try creating their own. “A great novel, rather than discouraging me, simply makes me want […]


Newsletter – Enhance – March 4, 2022

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Hello Book Bums families! Book Bums has a new phone number! We were having many difficulties with our previous provider and, as a result, we had to change our number. We know it’s inconvenient, and we apologize for that. For us, it was worth the inconvenience in order to move to another business who will […]


Newsletter – Inspire – February 18, 2022

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Hello Book Bums families! We believe inspiration can come from anywhere, even the calendar. Today we’re getting inspired by dates and the number two. We have games, books, videos, and lots of ideas for engaging your young learner. Enjoy! is an Amazon Associate; We earn from qualifying purchases. This means that if you click […]


Newsletter – Spectacle – February 11, 2022

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Hello Book Bums families! What a week we are having here in Cincinnati, from the Bengals’ victory to an icy snow day! In this installment of our newsletter we encourage you to take inspiration from life to keep your young readers and yourself curious and learning. is an Amazon Associate; We earn from qualifying […]