About Us

Headshot rustic

Dr. Christina Williams

Founder, Educator

Brittany Website Photo

Brittany Williams


Our Story

We are pleased to open our newest Book Bums location in West Chester, Ohio. In 2009, we were privileged to know (and love!) many, many families through reading and writing workshops, book clubs, story hours, tutoring, holiday events, and more. We always said that we were a mix between the library, Starbucks, and Panera. And we were. But, now, in our new space (also in West Chester, OH), we long to be so much more.

Dr. Christina Williams has retired after 30 years of teaching, and she's dedicating all of her passion and expertise to equipping and inspiring families to read well, read often, and (most important!) to love reading.

Our space is for families who long to be intentional in spending time together while allowing the power of great books to enhance their daily lives.

Of course, adults (sans the children) are encouraged to come and enjoy the magic of all of those wonderful books, too. We've created just-right-spaces for you to recharge.

Book Bums exists to promote literacy. Literacy is reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking. If you long for a space to do any or all of these things, come join us! We're your new favorite getaway!

Next Steps...

Schedule a tour of our space, so we can share the many ways we hope to enhance the reading lives of your family of readers and soon-to-be readers.