Hello Book Bums families!
Has your family tried any of last week's games to help build executive function skills? This week in the newsletter we share some more games to help your kiddos build reading skills while you're in the car. You'll also find a great book series recommendation, some Civics challenges, and of course, the nerdy word knowledge we love to share with you. Enjoy!
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Word of the Week
allegiance (uh-lee-jents) noun/person, place, or thing - devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause
She shows her allegiance to her town by attending planning meetings and volunteering at community events.
Literary Calendar
September 18 is Read an eBook Day.
Do you have a preferred format for enjoying books? Traditional paper, an iPad or Kindle, audio? We would love to know! Respond to this email to tell us, and we will share results in an upcoming newsletter.
From our Bookshelves

I just love when facts meet fiction in books. The book series Zoey and Sassafras by Asia Citro is one that kids ages 6-10 are sure to enjoy. In each book, there are magical creatures in need of some help. Zoey, a young scientist, and Sassafras, her sidekick cat, work to solve each problem using the scientific process. These books even include a glossary to look up meanings of words that may be unfamiliar to your reader.
Throughout the series, Zoey wears “Thinking Goggles” to help her think through big challenges. I love giving books along with relevant objects that help kids get even more excited about reading. These goggles are only two bucks, and they might just inspire your younger readers to dive into Zoey and Sassafras’s adventures.

Tips for Families
I am often disappointed by just how little my students know about the United States of America. My husband and I decided to take a look at the Civics (History and Government) Questions for the Naturalization Test to see how we’d do.
The test for naturalization is an oral test. Applicants must take this test to become US citizens. A United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Officer asks applicants up to 10 of the 100 civics questions, and applicants must answer 6 out of 10 questions correctly to pass. We’re adding a link so you can see how you’d do.
Tips for Readers and Writers
Something Extra
We’re including a poem you can enjoy with your kids. Reading it will provide opportunities to learn and ask questions together.
• Learning new words (What’s a gentian?—Can you figure out which picture is showing the gentian?)
• Inferring meaning (Why is the fruit bending down?— it’s heavy, ripe fruit; What does it mean when it says, “Asters by the brookside, make asters in the brook?”— there’s a reflection in water)
• Identifying fall plants (What’s milkweed? Have you seen the dusty pods?) and more.
Just print the poem, read it together, and then explore the outdoors to find lots of items indicating that September has arrived.
Practical Grammar

Aid and aide are pronounced the same but have different meanings. They’re homophones.
Aid can be used as a verb meaning help or assist and as a noun meaning assistance or relief.
They strive to aid the community as they remove trash from our parks. - verb
The volunteers provided much needed aid. - noun
Aide is a noun meaning assistant.
She volunteers as a teachers’ aide, so the kids get the aid they need.
Wordology Workshop
The Latin root lingu means language or tongue.
You can find it in English words dealing with language such as linguistics and multilingual.
Sometimes the tongue meaning is literal as in linguine, a shape of pasta that is long and flat like a tongue.
Just for Fun

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